Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 31: A Day Without Yogurt

It's only been a day since I've finished my challenge, and I'm feeling withdrawal symptoms. What does that mean?!?

Anyway, Mr. Yogato already put my (slightly humiliating) picture on the website! Click here and scroll to the bottom.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 30: A Champion At Last

Can you believe that I'm now a 30-day champion? What an honor!
I walked into Mr. Yogato after work accompanied by a friend, who seemed almost as excited about my moment in the sun as I was. Because my yogurt was free today (it just happened to work out like that), I opted for a medium original tangy with strawberries and blueberries. Heeding my flavor advice, my friend also got a tangy and praised my flavor-picking ability.
I then got my photo taken with the special Mr. Yogato hat and tie, along with a soon-to-be-framed certificate of my flavor name. (As soon as I get access to that photo, I'll post it up here.) Eventually, the photo will go on Mr. Yogato's website.
After all the hoopla, my friend and I were ready to chill out, so we hopped onto the Nintendo system and played Super Mario Brothers 3, which I don't think I'd played since I was about 12 years old.
My friend had to leave shortly thereafter, so I hung out and played some more Nintendo. Luckily, Mr. Yogato himself was around, so we got to chat, and he thoroughly congratulated me for meeting my challenge. Chris was working as well, so I was glad he was able to witness my crowning achievement.
All in all, Day 30 was a glorious experience. I don't know what I'm going to do with my lunch breaks from now on. To be honest, I'm kind of sad that my challenge is over. But you can bet I'll still be making regular visits to Mr. Yogato.

P.S. My flavor, Hot Ta-Melanie, should come to fruition fairly soon. I'm still not 100% sure on how the whole thing works, but I can't wait to taste my flavor!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 29: The End Is Nigh

It's so close I can almost taste it--my yogurt challenge ends tomorrow! It shall be a glorious evening. I'll laugh, I'll cry; I'll even eat some (OK, a lot of) yogurt.
But for right now, let's concentrate on today. When I went to yogurt today, I dragged along one of my colleagues, who happens to enjoy frozen yogurt almost as much as I do. He didn't buy any yogurt because he wasn't feeling so well (flawed logic if you ask me), but he did sample the original soft and original tangy.
I got a shot of original tangy with Oreos, and Chris was careful to pour on the topping so it didn't go everywhere. (Nevertheless, there were still some stray crumbs.)
Aside from a gaggle of college kids, my colleague and I mostly had the place to ourselves. While I ate my yogurt, we sat down at a table and commenced a game of Connect Four. Unfortunately, I didn't win the game.
After a lively discussion with Chris about Nintendo and other yogurt-related stuff, my colleague and I headed back to the office. He concluded that although another yogurt shop that shall remain nameless has tangier yogurt, hanging out at Mr. Yogato is a lot more fun. I couldn't agree more!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 28: More Mochi

I walked into Mr. Yogato and got the first serving of original tangy from a new batch. Sweet! I opted for a small today and added mochi and chocolate syrup. Luckily, yesterday's trivia questions were still up when I got there, so I got a nice discount.
It was pretty quiet inside, so Chris and I chatted for a bit, mainly about books. As usual, I rambled on longer than necessary, but he didn't seem to mind. Now that's good customer service!
A bunch of customers came in, so I ambled toward one of the tables. I only sat down for a few minutes, though, because I had to get back to the office a little early.
I can't believe that this journey is ending in two days--I can't wait to celebrate!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 27: We All Scream for Froyo

Today's yogurt line was practically out the door, which wasn't surprising because the weather was amazing. I was exhausted and nauseated from my run, so the long line gave me a chance to get my mind in working order and figure out the answers to the trivia questions before I ordered.
I'll admit that I heard a couple of preceding customers answer part of one of the trivia questions, but I got the other two all by myself! As a reward (and also because my run sucked), I got myself a small original tangy instead of a shot. I didn't add anything; I think I needed as simple a flavor as possible today.
The crowds inside left me feeling a bit claustrophobic, so I wandered out and stumbled slowly toward home. My nausea forced me to eat the yogurt pretty slowly, but I'm glad I finished it. As everybody knows, a yogurt a day keeps the doctor away!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 26: A Storm Is Brewing

I decided to get to Mr. Yogato as early as possible to bypass the terrible storm that's supposed to brew later this afternoon. Nevertheless, the weather outside was still atrocious, so I arrived at my destination a bit soggy.
It was pretty quiet when I got there, and I ordered a shot of original tangy with Cocoa Pebbles. While I was eating and reading, Mr. Yogato himself walked in and out without noticing me. I was into my yogurt, and he seemed busy, so I didn't want to bother him.
I was feeling a bit glum, probably because of the weather, but a little while before I left, a couple walked in and tried to figure out some trivia questions. They ordered a yogurt but still hadn't guessed a question, so one of the yogurus on duty said they could take as long as they needed.
They proceeded to spend many minutes trying to figure out an answer to the question they'd chosen, thus cheering me up. One of the yogurus and I  jumped in and gave them some hints to try to help. (I'm an expert now, you see.) It turned into a fun conversation, and I even told them I was on the board. They seemed enthusiastic and said they'd have to come back when my flavor (which they professed excitement for) came out.
I left before they'd finished answering the question, as I wanted to get home before my umbrella went to shreds. I hope they figured it out--may the yogurt be with them!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 25: Another Chat With Mr. Yogato

I arrived at my froyo paradise after work today to find Mr. Yogato himself standing outside. Aiming to test his memory, I walked up to him, waved and asked if he remembered who I was. He remembered not only my name, but also my flavor! I did have to clarify with him that it was not I who thought up the term "yoguru," however. He seemed disappointed. (I'm hoping J might get a reward for that, though--she deserves it!)
Apparently, Chris hadn't told Mr. Yogato about my blog, so it was news to him when I explained what I was doing. Mr. Yogato echoed Chris's sentiments from a few days ago that my blog might be linked on the store's website, and when I shot back with "I have a reputation to uphold," he dismissed it handily. ("What reputation?" [or something like that] he pontificated.)
As we finished chatting, Mr. Yogato told me not to forget to get my yogurt. As if I ever could!

I was all set to eat my yogurt inside, but the only seats available were the kiddie ones by the Nintendo set, and I wasn't in the mood to feel squished. Chris was there, as was a Yogato trainee. Luckily, today's trivia questions were the same as yesterday's, so I ended up with a 15% discount on my shot of original tangy with cantaloupe. All's well that ends well, I always say!