Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 10: It's Just As Yummy When I Have to Pay

I started my new Yogato card today, and though I didn't get a free yogurt, it tasted as yummy as always. I was thankful that the tangy was ready for me--original soft is just too sweet!
I had a 10% discount coupon, so I went wild and got a topping. The yogurt/cantaloupe/chocolate syrup combo helped dull the pain of the terrible weather combined with some rather unwelcome news I received yesterday. I think I prefer watermelon, though.
Unfortunately, I did not see any doggies today, but I'm happy to say that my yoguru and I are continuing to  develop our rapport. Other than that, it was a pretty quiet day. One or two people came in, I read some "Game Change," yada yada yada.

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