Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 11: Froyo Saved My Life Tonight

Elton John must be stuck in my head from the latest (terrible) episode of "American Idol," but I definitely felt like tonight's frozen yogurt saved me from catastrophe.
Turns out Indian food is not the best lunch choice 3 1/2 hours before an 8.81-mile run in the grueling, touristy wind, and had it not been for the promise of yogurt, I'm sure I would have expectorated more than saliva.
When I arrived at Yogato, the place was a bit busier than it usually is. I suppose 8 p.m. on a Friday is a better time for froyo/socializing than 1 p.m. on a weekday, but a crowded Yogato does not a happy Melanie make. Anyway, I decided a medium yogurt would help remedy my pukeishness, so I got a medium original tangy with no toppings.
Two trivia questions plus a forehead stamp later (yay for 20% off!), I sat down to eat and read "Game Change." I figured eating eight ounces of froyo in-store was a safer choice than eating it on my way home; I really didn't want to turn into a walking cryogenics experiment.
I sat, ate and read, sat, ate and read, and when I looked up a few minutes later, the place was absolutely hopping. It got so bad I almost felt claustrophobic--Yogato is pretty awesome, but also pretty small--so I quickly shoveled in the rest of my original tangy with chocolate sprinkles.
I walked home without freezing, and when I got to my building, a nice, possibly tipsy, guy opened the door. I ended up (happily) giving Yogato some free advertising by explaining my still clearly inked forehead stamp, which I'd forgotten existed.


  1. Cute pic! Not everyone can pull off a stamp on the forehead, but you surely can! :) Cheers, Kristina
